Your Biggest SEO Goal In 2021 – Getting More & More Organic Traffic
With the New Year already 2 months old, it’s high time that you started thinking about what you want to achieve in the coming months with regards to your small business SEO. Many enterprises in Chicago have already come up with a winning strategy for their company. What about you? Remember, this year every business is re-opening with a renewed energy. Everyone is excited and geared up to make the most of the initial months (particularly). Don’t be a back bencher and while away your time like a spectator.
Working To Build Well-Defined SEO Goals
Work with your small business SEO services provider in Chicago to come up with a set of specific, relevant, achievable and actionable SEO goals. When you have in front of your eyes what you want to achieve,it will give you all the guidance you’ll ever need. The next step which is to build a strong SEO strategy will be simplified for you.Defining your goals for the coming months will also help you be more intentional and active with every decision you make.

Being Proactive In Measuring Success
You want to be more cautious this time around. Because this is your only chance at a successful business post pandemic, you want to give it your best shot. Your clients/ customers are still very hesitant incoming out of their homes to shop on the streets. So what do you do?You put out each tactic or piece of content with care. You measure the effect and success of whatever you create against one or more of your already defined SEO goals. Place different goalposts for all your different departments and teams so that you all have something to strive for.
Increase Your Organic Traffic
The leading Chicago SEO agencies say that how much you are able to increase your organic traffic is one of the most effective and reliable metrics that can easily tell you the most about the success of your SEO strategy.
A little trick to keep your team motivated - Let’s say you have started a brand new website and your newly updated blog section is all set for the big reveal. Over the past year, you have worked hard to create this content and have grown your website’s organic traffic by approximately 7% every month. Sure, some months your ecorded better numbers but you never quite succeeded in retaining the 10% mark or even keeping it there consistently. A reasonable goal for your SEO team to target would then be 10-20% and not just a 10%increase in organic traffic. That’s aggressive but still achievable. And it is enough to keep everyone in your team driven and motivated to do better.
In order to produce real results, you will have to come out of your comfort zone this year. It is going to be a bit harder on not just you but everyone. But nothing is outside of the realm of possibility.